Monday, December 21, 2015

Jocko Gets Shoes

Jocko never had shoes before. Not because I didn't want them. Jocko's feet are far too large despite being just a few inches taller than the standard dwarf. Jocko often fantasized about big green and red plaid basketball shoes that would make Jocko jump high and dunk balls in hoops. Air Jocko! Or maybe shoes with lights on heels that Jocko sometimes sees on boys much more deserving of shoes than him.

Although lights do draw attention and attention means getting hit with sticks or marbles or briefcases or anything handy. Maybe shoes are bad idea for Jocko. Erika says Jocko deserves shoes just as much as he deserves hats with bells on them. Jocko has many.

Erika surprised Jocko! Made shoes especially made to fit Jocko's grotesque feet! Socks too! Extra absorbent socks to suck up Jocko's strange foot water. It doesn't stink, it's not real sweat since Jocko's feet don't get hot. Just cold and sticky. It secretes when I feel hungry. Jim James cinnamon rolls makes Jocko make puddles on floor. Erika  sometimes puts towels down.

Erika's my adopted mother who loves me like a real mother we think. Both of us were not born but created from abominable methods. Although Jocko did come out of the man Harker, Erika says Jocko still wasn't  technically born. It confuses Jocko, makes me spin until I feel sick. Don't always puke. I sometimes puke Jim James cinnamon roles. Erika doesn't let Jocko re-eat. This is upsetting but Jocko understands. Jocko must be careful with a belly full of sweets.

But the shoes! Erika had big green and a red plaid shoes made with flexible soles so Jocko could move his disgusting toes in both directions. Erika says Jocko's toes are not disgusting but simply more functional than most people are used to and once they saw all the useful things my toes can do they would envy Jocko.  Jocko will wait and see.

When Jocko put the shoes on the heels lit up. Every time he jumped they flashed. When he stomped, marched, flipped. Not when he pirouetted, but Jocko can save his pirouetting for when I have my hats with bells that make noises even with the daintiest pirouettes. Jocko still can't dunk on real hoops, but Jocko is learning to accept his athletic limitations.